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Blog Page and Posts



At, we understand the importance of creating engaging content for your landing pages. Blogs are a great way to share valuable information with your audience and improve your website's SEO. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a blog page and AI-generated posts to your landing page:

1. Subscribe to the Blog Add-On:

  • Visit the dashboard and navigate to the Blog section. Projects

  • Click on the Subscribe button to add the blog feature to your project. AIPage Subscribe blog feature

2. Create a Blog:

  • Once you've subscribed to the blog add-on, you can create a new blog by clicking the Create Blog button. Create Blog

  • By clicking the gear icon, you can customize the AI settings for generating blog posts. AI Settings

  • By entering a title, then clicking the Generate button, you can create a new blog post with AI-generated content and images. Blog Editor

  • When you are satisfied with the generated content, click the Publish button to add the post to your blog.

3. View and Edit Blog Page:

  • Visit the Pages section.

  • You will see the created Blog List page in the list of available pages. Blog list page

  • By clicking this page, you can view and edit the your website's blog page. Edit Blog list page

4. Customize Blog Page:

In the blog page editor, you can customize the layout, design, and content of your blog page.

  • You can add new sections such as featured section and hero section, change the order of posts, and modify the appearance of the blog page.

5. Featured Posts and Hero Section:

You can select specific posts to be featured on the blog page.

  • Visit the Blogs section and click on the three dots icon next to a post to mark it as featured or remove it from the featured list. Blog list page
  • You can also mark a post as a hero post, which will display it prominently on the blog page.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling blog page for your landing page using Whether you're sharing industry insights, product updates, or customer success stories, a well-curated blog can enhance your online presence and attract more visitors to your site.

Experience the power of blogging and take your landing page to the next level with