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Terms and Privacy Pages



At, we understand the importance of maintaining transparency and compliance with legal regulations when creating landing pages. Adding terms and privacy policies to your landing pages not only builds trust with your audience but also ensures that you're operating within legal boundaries. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add terms and privacy policies to your landing pages:

Step 1: Access Your Projects Page

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Navigate to the Projects page where all your landing page projects are listed.

    AIPage projects

Step 2: Select Your Landing Page

  1. Identify the landing page to which you want to add terms and privacy policies.

  2. Click on the project to view the list of pages associated with it. Or click the three dots on the project card and select Pages.

    AIPage view pages

  3. On the project pages, click Create New Page to add specific Terms of Service or Privacy Policy to your landing page.

    AIPage create terms of privacy page

Step 3: Update the Page

  1. Once you've selected the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy option, you'll be adding a new page to your landing page project. Then you can click the created page to edit it. AIPage project pages

  2. Here, you can add the necessary content, such as your Terms or Privacy Policy, to the landing page. Use the editor tools to format the text, add headings, and include any necessary legal clauses or disclaimers.

    AIPage edit terms of privacy page

Step 4: Publish Your Changes

  1. Once you're satisfied with the terms and privacy policy content, locate the Save Changes button.
  2. Click on Save Changes to make the changes live on your landing page.

Step 5: Design Your Landing Page

  1. Decide where you want to display the terms and privacy policy links on your landing page.

  2. Use's intuitive design tools to create sections or navigation elements that link to these pages.

    AIPage add terms and privacy to navigation

Step 6: Preview and Publish

  1. Preview your landing page to ensure the terms and privacy policy links are displayed correctly.
  2. Once satisfied, publish your changes to make them live on your landing page.

✨Bonus: ChatGPT prompt for Terms of Service(ToS) and Privacy Policies

If you're using ChatGPT here are some prompts you can use to generate Terms of Service (ToS) and Privacy Policy documents with the help of ChatGPT:

  1. Generate a comprehensive Terms of Service agreement tailored for a [type of service or product].
  2. Create a Privacy Policy document suitable for a [type of website or app], ensuring compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
  3. Craft a Terms of Use agreement for an [online platform or marketplace], outlining user rights, responsibilities, and limitations.
  4. Develop a Privacy Policy for a [specific industry or niche], addressing data collection, storage, and usage practices.
  5. Generate Terms of Service for a [software as a service (SaaS) platform], covering subscription terms, intellectual property rights, and liability disclaimers.
  6. Create a Privacy Policy tailored for an [e-commerce website], including provisions for payment processing, user accounts, and data security.
  7. Craft Terms and Conditions for a [mobile application], addressing user behavior, content usage, and in-app purchases.
  8. Develop a Privacy Policy for a [healthcare-related website or app], ensuring compliance with HIPAA and other relevant regulations.
  9. Generate a Terms of Service agreement for a [social media platform], outlining user conduct, content moderation, and account termination policies.
  10. Create a Privacy Policy for a [financial services website or app], detailing information collection, sharing practices, and compliance with financial regulations.

By following these steps, you can easily add terms and privacy policies to your landing pages, ensuring compliance and building trust with your audience. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance. We're here to help you succeed in your digital marketing endeavors.