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Optimizing Landing Page Images for Speed



Welcome to another article in our Help Center! In this guide, we'll dive into the art of optimizing landing page images for both speed and visual impact. We'll also explore how can help you achieve optimal performance and Lighthouse speed scores, including the use of the modern WebP image format and automatic lazy loading of images.

Optimizing Landing Page Images for Speed and Impact

Images play a crucial role in capturing your audience's attention and conveying your message effectively. However, they can also significantly impact your landing page's load time. Let's explore how to strike the perfect balance between visual appeal and fast loading speeds.

Understanding Lighthouse Speed Scores

Lighthouse is a powerful tool for assessing your landing page's performance, including its loading speed. It provides valuable insights and recommendations for improvement. Here's what you need to know:

  • Performance Metrics: Lighthouse evaluates several key metrics, such as First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), to measure your landing page's loading speed.

  • Opportunities: Lighthouse highlights opportunities for improvement, including image optimization, which we'll focus on in this article.

  • Audits: The tool generates a detailed report with audits and recommendations for enhancing your landing page's performance.

Choosing the Right Image Format

We recommend using modern image formats like WebP. WebP images are highly compressed, resulting in smaller file sizes without compromising image quality. They are supported by most modern browsers, making them an excellent choice for improving loading speeds.

Automatic Lazy Loading of Images automatically implements lazy loading for images on your landing page. This technique loads images as visitors scroll down the page, reducing initial load times and providing a smoother user experience.

Compressing Images Effectively

Before uploading images to your landing page, use image editing tools to compress them effectively. Strike a balance between image quality and file size, aiming for the smallest size possible without compromising visual appeal.

🌟 Pro Tips:

Regularly check your Lighthouse reports to track improvements in your landing page's speed score. Consider using responsive images to ensure your visuals adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

📝 Note: is designed to streamline image optimization for speed, including automatic lazy loading. While we recommend using WebP images for further optimization, rest assured that your landing page's images are already benefiting from's built-in lazy loading feature.