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In this article, we'll guide you through the process of deploying your beautifully crafted landing page using Get ready to take your online presence to the next level!

🚀 Deploying Your Landing Page with not only helps you create stunning landing pages but also makes deployment a breeze. Follow these steps to get your landing page live:

1. Customize Your Landing Page:

  • After creating and editing your landing page, ensure it's perfect for your audience.

2. Hit the Deploy Button:

  • Click on the "Publish" button within editor bar to start the deployment process. Publishing the landing page
  • Once you hit "Publish" button you will be able to access the landing page with the generated URL.
  • You can also update the subdomain to a custom one if you wish. Custom subdomain

3. Configure Domain:

  • If you want to use a custom domain, you can easily configure it within the editor bar. Domain integration
  • By following the instructions, you can connect your domain to your landing page in a few simple steps.
  • Just add your domain and update the DNS records to point to's servers.
  • By default, AIPage will provide you with a free SSL certificate for your domain.

4. Review and Confirm:

  • Double-check all your settings to ensure everything is in order.
  • Once you're satisfied, when you hit the "Publish" button, your landing page will be live with the latest changes.

🌟 Pro Tips:

  • Regularly update your landing page with fresh content to keep your audience engaged.
  • Consider running A/B tests to optimize your page for conversions.
  •'s cloud hosting ensures reliability and speed, giving your visitors a seamless experience.

📝 Note: simplifies the deployment process so you can focus on creating compelling content and engaging with your audience. Enjoy the benefits of hassle-free hosting!

Stay tuned for more articles in our Help Center, where we'll explore advanced features and strategies to make your landing page shine.